Minorities in our Ecosystem - Eps 1.

'Notes of Hope' with the Samburu in Kenya

In the past two generations, Kirisia Forest, a vital resource for the Samburu community, has lost a third of its forest cover. Serving as the primary water catchment in the region, the forest has faced relentless encroachment and degradation.

In the face of this crisis, Saningo Dimero, a Samburu artist and leader, uses the power of music to navigate his community through the hardships of climate change. With his voice, he educates the community on the importance of respecting the forest, highlighting its critical role as their only hope amid unpredicted severe weather patterns.

Help to make ‘Notes of Hope’
One year of hard work has resulted in great film material nearly ready for post production. For the film to be captivating and impactful we’d still like to shoot a few scenes and are looking for production budget.

We’ve chosen to utilize our own platforms and not crowdfunding platforms to ensure that the majority of funds directly support our cause. With you, we can crowdfund this. You can also help us make impact by sharing this video. Thank you!

Donate here
Amount required
5300 euro
Expected Release date
November 2024
African Slum Journal

Pilot Project

‘Minorities and our Ecosystem’ is a series that is driven by the urgent need to address climate injustice, particularly within marginalized communities in Africa. By sharing the story of the Samburu community and their struggle against the climate dilemma, we aim to shed light on the challenges these communities face to adapt and mitigate climate change.
By screening the film within the community itself, we aim to drive meaningful change, fostering a dialogue about the crucial role of the forest and the importance of considering sustainable alternatives for livelihoods while preserving cultural heritage. We look to involve relevant policymakers in the Climate Change space like the UN and embassies. For international impact and advocacy, we’ll submit the film to festivals like Movies That Matter that focus on human rights and climate problems.

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